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Die Rolle des CERN in der Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – öffentlicher Vortrag

19. September 2024 18:00

We are pleased to invite you to the lecture ‚The Role of CERN in Science Diplomacy‘ by Charlotte Warakaulle, CERN’s first Director for International Relations. The talk will be held in English, but questions and discussions can be conducted in German afterwards. Ms. Warakaulle will discuss the importance of scientific collaboration across borders and the role of CERN as a model for science diplomacy. Charlotte Warakaulle is CERN‘ first Director for International Relations and oversees CERN’s engagement with Member and non-Member States, partnership-building with international organisations and platforms. She also engages in the widening of education, communications and outreach activities. Her talk illustrates the important role of scientific collaboration that spans borders and cultures. The ever-growing CERN membership is an important example of the success of a community that is driven by the common cause of scientific curiosity and its accomplishments.
Charlotte Warakaulle will take us from the founding of CERN under the auspices of UNESCO in 1954 to today’s global community and discuss the important role of science diplomacy in an increasingly fragmented world.

Sprache: Englisch (Fragen und Diskussionen auch auf Deutsch möglich)

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19. September 2024
CERN70, Vortrag
Alle, Allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, Jedermann, Jugendliche, Lehrkräfte




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